Thursday, April 15, 2010

An invisible and silent killer on the prowl

Today, everyone's in an incredible to-do because a volcano is exploding in Iceland and closing many UK airports. This is the second time in two years that something unpleasant has come from that North Atlantic island, which in itself is a volcanic manifestation from the Mid-Atlantic ridge. But if you think the banking crisis that stung plenty of investors or your travel plans are being disrupted are bad, there is something far worse in the air.
I noticed it last night - a strange haze, which is unusual on top of a hill where windy gusts often disperse it. In 1785, the Laki volcano erupted. It was not a 'conventional' conic version but one that rips right across the land, providing more dust than might have been expected from a conic one. This fine, gauzy dust swept across Europe killing many, especially labourers (be thankful that the recession has curtailed the building industry). It didn't do the Icelanders any good either, killing off a far higher percentage than any other place affected. But be warned, for the next few months while we deal with this current volcano we may have to become used to living in conditions of the Tube's Northern Line on a permanent basis. No-one is safe.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Regeneration Game

Doctor Who returned to mainstream television last Saturday. Essentially, most things were in place for it to be enjoyable. First of all, Matt Smith isn't David Tennant - yet. As debuts go, it was just as successful as his two predecessors who needed time to become favourites in the nation's consciousness. New doctors have to be fleet of foot as well as of mind. Not sure about his sidekick - she seems a bit too chippy that's always warned me off Scottish Nationalists (she's kept her accent despite living in an English village for most of her life), but maybe its good acting at being astonished by the Doctor (again and again). Don't like what's been done with the Tardis which looks like an overgrown pinball machine. Also not chuffed with the theme music tinkering, which has now lost its urgency and now more resembles atmospheric sounds for a Ghost Train ride. Teh new logo also looks like its fallen through time from the Communist bloc - if it had been hewn out of London's South Bank I wouldn't be surprised. Overall though, I felt it lacked Russell T Davies' sure hand on the tiller - revealing the series macguffin at the start was a bit risque -but it's probably just early wobbles for the new relaunch.

Promotion - now for the title

Newcastle United. Restored. Rebuilt. Time to build again.