President-elect Trump - gah!
Well, unlike Romney's staffers, Trump's team were not delusional and really were storming places like Michigan and Wisconsin - taking Pennsylvania has to be the biggest shock (and indictment of Clinton) of the electoral map. Iowa and Ohio (plus Florida) remain bellwether states. Maybe the plain-speakers Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders would have stood a better chance against Trump (Sanders would not have lost the rustbelt) - coincidence that they are both men? Democrats were sunk by their feeling that it was Hillary Clinton's turn (after Obama's) - that the White House was being shared around no matter what the voters thought. That presumptuous purchase of fireworks the day before the vote a further nail in her bid's coffin.
I had gone to bed early and woken up after midnight to watch what I thought would be a victory procession for Clinton - the polls had been a lot more consistent than they were for Brexit. Nate Silver of 538 copped a lot of flak for rating Trump's chances relatively highly, yet even his team were slightly caught out by the toppling of Democrat bastions. Only the 'outlier' LA Times poll which was consistently favourable to Trump proved correct - bravely they refused to change their methodology and join in the 'herding' effect (when pollsters disregard unlikely outcomes).
Now, we have the biggest man-child of all who will assume the White House throne. End of the world forecasts accompanied George W Bush's election and re-election, plus the bids of John McCain and Mitt Romney - none of the three voted for Trump. So one must take Trump's ascension with a pinch of salt. Yet let us remember the events of Dubaya's watch - 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan and fatefully Iraq, the massive tax cut for the very rich (which Trump has promised to reintroduce) which added a further trillion dollars to the national debt, the response to Hurricane Katrina and topping it all, the collapse of the western banking system in 2008. Trump's campaign pronouncements, from branding NATO obsolete (encouraging Moscow to take the Baltics), saying Saudi Arabia should have nuclear weapons, ripping up the Iran nuclear deal, promising a trade war with China to branding climate change a 'Chinese hoax', are incredibly reckless - one must only hope this compulsive liar surrounds himself with experienced people and listens to them and not what he himself said.
In a similar way, Italy regularly re-elected the party of their richest man, Silvio Berlusconi, making him prime minister. Berlusconi shares many character traits with Trump but there is an key difference. Important as Italy is, it does not have nuclear weapons and cannot do the damage the sole superpower can.
Like with Brexit, people who had never voted before (except those that had turned 18 in the last four years) went overwhelmingly with Trump. Their situation won't improve under his presidency and they will be even more disillusioned than ever. Good because these people are the kind who just want to see the world burn because of their anger. America needs to be made great again because by electing Trump it no longer is.
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