Thursday, July 07, 2016

Coronation please!

What the UK needs now above all is stability.  Like democracy, Theresa May is the worst of all apart from all the rest.  Much as I have a searing antipathy for the zealous liar Michael Gove and Ken Clarke's claim that Gove would start a war with three countries at once, I may actually slightly prefer him to be on the two candidate shortlist to be sent out to the Tory membership.  This is because a poll of the crazies in the shires, so fuelled with EU hostility, are preferring Andrea Leadsom (despite claims she joined Leave, like Boris Johnson, for tactical reasons of advancing her political career) over May, even though the latter has done nothing to disabuse anyone of the tag RINO (Remainer in name only).
Ironically, the Tory MPs are actually the ones showing sense, with over half the parliamentary party uniting behind May.  But in this mood of anti-politician, anti-establishment resentment around the country, this could backfire.  The big difference between previous selections of Conservative party leader under the current system and this one, is that then, the choice was picking the Leader of the Opposition, where doctrinal purity may harm the electoral chances of the party itself but wouldn't do any great harm to the country, apart from letting the government of the day get away with murder, as the Corbyn experiment is proving.  Leadsom really only has being an extreme right-winger going for her but it seems that's enough for her membership.  In a straight contest between May and Gove, May wins hands down, for not being a political assassin who brought down the former king across the water (well, the London mayor's office is across the Thames from Westminster).  Against Leadsom, May's female advantage as a latter-day avatar of Margaret Thatcher is nullified and victory is far less certain.  When Cameron won the party leadership, he had to make some ultimately damaging concessions to outflank rival David Davis.  Leadsom or a hobbled May is bad for Britain in a post-Brexit climate.


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