Sunday, June 12, 2016

Setting the agenda

I once had a positive disagreement with Sir Malcolm Rifkind (or someone purporting to be him) on the question of nuclear weapons.  Now I no longer receive comments as I think many people believe my blog to be worthless ephemera!  And I don't blame them.  I was never much good at keeping diaries and what is a blog other than an online diary (albeit one that is public rather than private)?
But of course we all want to change the world, have an impact on it, make our mark.  For many people that be having and raising children, as it is for me.  Yet I thought I could contribute to the EU referendum debate and how best to do that than go straight to the top.  I tweeted to David Cameron's personal Twitter account (rather than the No. 10 one) that pensioners are the most likely to vote Brexit but those with pension plans invested in the stock market could be in for a nasty shock when the stock market will suffer a 'correction' in the event of Britain choosing to leave.  I concluded it by saying, "Turkeys voting for Christmas."
Now, after a couple of days while he completed his pre-arranged schedule, Cameron has now started to talk about the hit to pensions following a British decision to leave the EU.  He has used more felicitous language than I, has focused on the state pension rather than those linked to the stock market and has made no mention of turkey, given the endless problems that word has caused in misleading people.  Yet for the first time in the campaign he has talked about the potential hit to pensions a couple of days after I tweeted him.
It could be complete coincidence and I have no proof to state otherwise.  But it is tantalising that I may have had some input into a decision that will affect everyone's lives for decades.
Sadly, it seems most people, especially older people, have already made up their minds and if they are a little poorer so be it if it limits immigration in some unspecific, undetermined way.  I still remember the old lady holidaying in Benidorm, saying, "All these foreigners coming here; ruining my country."  The internet polls are now firmly pointing towards Brexit beyond the margin of error and I have become resigned the country making a 'historic mistake'.  It proves that you can fool most of the people enough of the time.  We are about to embark on a collective act of national hubris and from hubris springs nemesis.


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