Saturday, July 04, 2015

Last Post

Yesterday there was the respectful pause remembering the 38 victims of the Tunisian beach attack, 30 of whom were British.  On my work break, I observed it on television.  At the end came the trumpet tune that mixes mournfulness and melancholy defiance that accompanies times of remembrance for those fallen.  The BBC television presenter called it the Last Post.
Working for The Telegraph, I was issued with a style guide as to correct house style.  Though most defenders of the house style have left the newspaper and extremely gauche reports are frequent now I notice, I did nevertheless learn a good deal from it, such as the Last Post (or The Last Post) isn't the Last Post at all, simply Last Post.  I'm sure those who earn a living from the military do not make such errors.  So it speaks to a fundamental ignorance by those who use the erroneous definite article as to what they say.  And even if unconscious, it still is disrespectful to those being commemorated.  It is in the same vein as those who insert 'Lake Windermere' into their speech.  If one is determined to use a term, use it correctly.


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