Monday, September 08, 2014

The failure of Left and Right

As many eyes are drawn towards the Scottish referendum and a baby that will be born to privilege, the scandal of many children not so well treated has slipped from the headlines.  That 1,400 children were abused in Rotherham is on a par with the level of disgust that the truth about Jimmy Savile engendered.  These kids, placed in the care of people who should have looked out for them, were criminally neglected and it is amazing that apart from a few resignations, the criminally negligent are still in positions of power.
That many of the sex offenders were of Pakistani origin has, inevitably, brought an onslaught from the Right about political correctness (in not wanting to be seen as racist in accusing a non-white man of being a sexual predator) and multiculturalism.  But the actuality is more complex than that, for the right-wingers misunderstand political correctness and multiculturalism and left-wingers misapply it.
It wasn't political correctness that kept people from speaking out, rather a mindset that wanted the perpetuation of the project of integration.  There may have been a few who were scared of the consequences of being a whistleblower but in general the people in charge did not want to rock the boat and were thinking of the furthering of their careers.
Multiculturalism is seen by right-wing pundits as the raising of ethnic minorities above 'traditional' white communities in terms of the benefits they receive, as well as allowing them to keep themselves to themselves and not assimilate with the wider British community.  The left has also misunderstood multiculturalism and believe it to be the same as the right-wingers but in a good way, thus where they have been in power they have promoted this vision.  Multiculturalism is emphatically not this.  The USA is the ultimate demonstration of multiculturalism - a melting pot where people hold onto their identities while forging new aspects of themselves in engagement with others.  People do not retreat to ghettoes (willingly) and refuse to learn the language of the land.  The Rotherham scandal happened as much through the poverty of intellect of those in office as the evil intentions of some in closed-off communities.


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