"Dad, it's Indiana." "I called the dog, Indiana."
Amid all the hoopla about the Hoosier State GOP declaration for Donald Trump, there were a few things that got overlooked in eerie Indiana and not just Bernie Sanders' surprise win defying the polls as he did in Michigan. The Crossroads of America state because no-one wants to ever stop there.
First off, for all the hue and cry in the Republican Party that Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee, with Ted Cruz pulling out, John Kasich is still in the race. With all the anti-Trump vote now shifting to him and with the prize of California homing into view a month from now, Kasich could still deny Trump the magical 1,237 delegates needed to win automatically the nomination. Kasich's own delegate total is pathetic, still less than Marco Rubio's when he pulled out after the latter bombed in his home state of Florida on 15th March. Yet and yet, there are plenty of upcoming winner-takes-all states coming up (California being a winner-takes-most) and if Trump has a ceiling of 40% of Republican votes and GOP members don't feel Kasich is a wasted vote, True, after sliming Trump, the Grand Old Party's establishment is now greasing themselves up to Trump but if Kasich can force a contested convention, the establishment massively favoured him over Cruz as well as Trump. Even if that doesn't prove to be the case, Kasich could be road-testing a 2020 bid.
At least the GOP don't have to worry about a third-party candidacy from the faithless Trump. It would have been 1992 and 1996 all over again, with a Clinton riding to the White House from the division of conservative voters. It's actually a myth as Ross Perot took as many votes from the Democrats as the Republicans (much like Trump now) but facts stick in the craw when you can build a movement of resentment and now the reckoning has come as Trump taps into that resentment and breaks the GOP. Like the ancien regime in France, they had it coming.
As for Carly Fiorina - thrust into the spotlight for a few days before being plunged into the dumpster as Cruz takes her with him. A former Californian tech CEO was unlikely to find much of a constituency unless Cruz was trying to appeal to female voters. She also had one whole delegate (from early voting by her supporters) to add to Cruz's total. Fiorina's VP ticket must be one of the shortest in US electoral history as far as presidential elections go - more than merely quixotic, it was ultimate in tilting at windmills given that her senior running mate did not have a mathematical chance of an outright delegate vote. Not one of the others candidates still running - Republican or Democrat - had made a vice-presidential pick so the presumption of Cruz in staggering. The Indiana voters did not buy that it was 'business as usual'. Cruz had to go as his had forsaken the 'Acela Primaries' to go hard on making a stand in Indiana. Like Custer, it was in vain. The Drudge Report had a good headline: "EliminaTED".
As for the Democrats, though Bernie Sanders got the headline state win, Hillary Clinton continued to rack up plenty of delegates in her remorseless drive to the nomination. Sanders could win every remaining state and territory and still be behind on pledged delegates, let alone Superdelegates (who are mistrustful of this Socialist latecomer to the Democratic party, dubious about his chances of winning a general election and terrified of his isolationist stance that would see a significant diminution of American power around the world). Despite his claims, he won't be able to peel those off from Clinton.
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