Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Lord is a Fink

The Wizard of Id is an American cartoon strip that started back in the 1960s.  I once owned a collection of these strips in a compendium book entitled The King is a Fink! The king, a pint-sized despot with a dog called Bonapart [sic], is regularly denounced, in absentia, as this by his subjects.
The term 'fink' has largely fallen out of use in general society, but it still is unfortunate to have it as a surname.  As a noun it means an unpleasant or contemptible person.  One would think an owner would do everything possible to disassociate his surname from its connotations.  Not so Stanley Fink, Baron Fink, better known as Lord Fink.  A former hedge fund manager and past treasurer of the Conservative Party, Lord Fink was named by Ed Miliband as a 'dodgy tax avoider' ('dodgy' being dropped on subsequent mentions after threats to sue).  Fink's outrage was given extensive coverage by Conservative print organs but now he admits, in felicitous language, that he took 'vanilla steps to reduce tax bill' and that 'everyone is involved in tax avoidance', showing not only complete disconnect from 95% of the population but also our elite act in a way to put the stereotypical Greek to shame.  Clearly we are not all in it together and clearly the lord is a fink.


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