Monday, May 26, 2014

A dog's dinner of results

In The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show, an episode of The Simpsons from around fifteen years ago, at a children's focus group aimed at improving 'The Itchy and Scratchy Show' the convenor sets them two scenarios as a way forward for the cartoon, either a hard-bitten, gritty, realistic approach to which the children assent rapturously or a way-out, fantasy concept with things like robots to which the children assent rapturously.  The convenor worriedly rubs his head, "So you want a fantastical, gritty, realistic approach with robots?"  The children nod, vigorously.
With anti-EU/anti-austerity parties topping the polls across Europe in the wake of elections to the European Parliament, the outlook of the pan-European population is they want smooth, well-run administrations that guarantee jobs and prosperity, at least in the long-run, with maverick, speak-their-mind anti-politicians who have no experience in governing.
One thing can be said of both situations: Poochie is not the answer.


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