Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Beatles versus the ill-thought out and ideology

When Russell Brand was bearding Jeremy Paxman more effectively than the great interrogator's own attempt at facial fuzz, when not defending his right not to vote, Brand babbled about revolution, environmentalism and income redistribution.  For the last two, the Green Party exists as a conduit for such ambitions.  If not enough people vote for it to become a party of power, surely that will should be recognised (no matter the manifest flaws of the electoral system) - Brand should relocate to Brighton Pavilion and vote to keep Caroline Lucas as the voice of green conscience in Westminster.  As for revolution, despite being chosen as The Beatles' 1960s representative, Brand is clearly unfamiliar with all but their most famous oeuvre, though Revolution is hardly unknown.
In his Paxman interview (and subsequently), Brand refused to outline any schematics or concrete proposals for how this revolution will be achieved or what would occur after it, hoping his mellifluous verbosity would bamboozle and carry him through.  But The Beatles had a charlatan like him skewered half a century before his 2013 outburst.  "You say you've got the real solution, we-ell, you know, we'd all love to hear the plan."
In the second part of third verse, of Revolution, there's the line, "If you carry around pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow."  That's unless you keep them in captivity for 30 years after entering your Maoist cult.  The Maoist form of communism was always the most destructive, sowing misery and chaos in pursuit of ideological purity and Mao's own megalomaniac designs.  There was the most bizarre alliance in world history between The People's Republic of China and Enver Hoxha's Albania in 1964.  There was also a pocket of Maoist fanaticism in London, although unknown to Beijing, but equally determined to being ideologically rigid while taking what they want.  It is said that revolutions eat their own children but this London variant produced one and then, in keeping with their psychotic behaviour, along with the other brainwashed members, kept them trapped even though there were no handcuffs.  I cannot think of any post-World War Two communist alignment that would have produced such a suffocating hold, other than that of Maoist doctrine.  It is all most comparable to Jim Jones but thankfully this time, the people survived.


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