Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Served piping hot!

The woman who took her horse into McDonald's after being refused service at the drive-thru, whereupon  the animal relieved itself on the floor.  No matter, the jargon deployed by McDonald's about 'distress to customers and disruption to the restaurant' (though in another light admirably concise), the real horseshit was probably fresher and warmer than anything served in that branch that day.  The line "The health and safety of our customers and staff is our top priority," is amusing given the Grand Guignol down the years (staff working in up to two inches of raw sewage, lizards and mouses in fajitas and burger buns, etc.), so comprehensive that it even merited a spot on Have I Got News For You in the 'Odd One Out Round' where contestants had to find out which culinary catastrophe did not occur at a McDonald's (after they worked out the clues that McDonald's was the subject).
Just as well, the rider didn't try to take her equine to Burger King as it might have 'unwittingly' ended up as mincemeat.  Just as the hysteria over the horsemeat scandal was starting to subside, I was eating at an establishment in central London with Ed Saxby and Jamie Mill and suddenly a siren went off and a flashing light started swirling above the staff entrance door next to the counter.  I mused that the alarm was sounded as a horse had got loose in the kitchen, Jamie adding that the four-legged friend was trying to escape from the grinder.  I imagine staff fleeing from a skittish, freedom-loving horse, careering along the food preparation aisles sending utensils and other paraphernalia scudding along the stainsteel surfaces, while someone got out the tranquiliser dart rifle. Surreal quips they may have been but in the days when Burger King was implicated in having served horsemeat, it sounded plausible as well.


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