Monday, July 22, 2013

A king (but one, but one, but one) is born

So Kate finally squeezed out the sprog.  I'm glad it's a boy because frankly after a lifetime with a queen, I'm ready for a few kings.  It also makes a mockery of the proposed change to the law of succession, as barring a horrific tragedy, if he lives to the current age of Liz II and doesn't abdicate (as seems the rage these days), he'll be on the throne until the turn of the century.  Mind you, the way things are turning out with longevity that may only buy him a couple of decades of rule and as an old man.  He then may be succeeded by his daughter who was first-born but you never know, it could be another son first-born.
Given all the media attention, the boy should be glad he didn't follow Emperor Chosroes II and be crowned still in the womb - then the hype would be stratospheric.  Such a scenario is highly unlikely ever again though. Having decrepit monarchs ascend the throne however, gives royalty a bad name and abdication after several decades seems the way forward (though in Prince Charles' case that length of tenure may take him to the end of his life anyway).  Just a few weeks after the Netherlands, Belgium is following suit as Albert II steps down in favour of his son Philippe, the seventh monarch of this fissiparous state.  I think the ex-king is being as Machiavellian as his predecessor a century ago, Leopold II, if not as depraved as setting up a slave empire in central Africa.  He reads the signs and it will not be on his watch that Belgium splits in two - it is his son that can pick up the constitutional mess if separatists get their way (and nationalist sentiment amongst both the Flemish and Walloons is rising).  Very clever.


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