Saturday, March 02, 2013

Mind melt

Barack Obama is often taken to task on the most spurious of reasons by far-right-wingers so it is entirely fitting that he should be excoriated by sci-fans for desecrating hallowed turf by talking of a Jedi mind-meld.  That jarred with msyelf and I'm glad I am not alone.  Obama wasn't promoting a contemporary form of seventh-century monothelitism, the doctrine of (two natures but) a Single Will, uniting Star Wars and Star Trek fans in a heretical compromise, but he was trying to be a nerdy Daddy-cool and ended up 'crazy like a fool'.  There are Jedi mind tricks and Vulcan mind-melds and clearly in the context of changing Republicans minds, he meant the former, even if he is an alleged Trekkie.  The backtracking by the White House staff was unconvincing (instead of paraphrasing Episode IV, it should have been Episode II: Obama, "You don't want to sell me these budget cuts without tax rises." Republicans, "We don't want to sell you these budget cuts without tax rises."  Obama, "You want to go home and rethink your lives."  Republicans, "We want to go home and rethink our lives.")  The president will be extolling the brilliant portrayals of Batman and Superman in Marvel Comics next.


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