Friday, March 01, 2013

The right hampered in Hampshire by FPTP

While I am disenchanted with the Liberal Democrats, I am glad they held onto Eastleigh in the by-election (on a comparatively high turn-out for such an event), with Mike Thornton the new MP, as the alternative would have been ghastly.  The Tories, Lynton Crosby and the right-wing press all got a bloody nose, ha ha ha.  Justice more poetic than Wordsworth.  The Conservatives had an awful candidate and while much of the press won't blame their own extremism and rather criticise David Cameron's 'modernisation' agenda, Maria Hutchings was the antithesis of a Cameroon, in her pronouncements and her discipline and the party eventually had to gag her, to stop further blunders.  She received the kiss of death from Iain Duncan Smith, probably the worst leader of his party ever, when he called her an excellent candidate.  Why vote for a UKIP-lite when you can vote for the real thing?  If anything, David Cameron has not modernised his party enough to snaffle somewhere like Eastleigh because there are too many headbangers in the grassroots (the kind that elected Duncan Smith Tory leader in 2001).  Ironically, despite right-wing hatred of any system bar first-past-the-post (the UK being the only country in Western Europe to operate FPTP), if this vote had been conducted under AV, the Tories or UKIP would have won in Eastleigh.  Suck on that!


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