Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Textual analysis

Proof, if ever it was needed, that those in UKIP have dull intellects in inverse proportion to their flamboyant attire comes with their leader Nigel Farage borrowing the clothes of reasonability to avow recherché policies under the headline “‘UKIP are not closet racists – but we’ve had enough’.” Unless you were racist you would use the word ‘and’ not ‘but’ as the sentence in its current form implies a racist side will be unleashed. But is it all it seems?

It appears in quotation marks but nowhere in his article does Farage use the phrase. Has he used it in other discourse? The only reference I can find is to the heading for his Telegraph article. Is this the personal view of the sub-editor then? Indeed, to flip it around, could the sub-editor be seeking to undermine Farage? I guess we'll never know, but (see what I did there?) addled brains and UKIP – why does that sound so appropriate?


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