Saturday, November 17, 2012

With this mandate, am I the law?

In a way, I’m delighted that there was such a low turnout for the Police Commissioner elections. David Cameron, the Tories and Labour turncoats kyboshed the AV referendum with lies and personal attack so I’m pleased his cherished constitutional reform (aside from boundary changes) has humiliated him. Imagine if a quorum had been enforced! Another £100m down the drain to follow the same size of wastage on the West Coast Main Line fiasco.

Kent performed better than average with a 15.99% turnout, only eight elections out of the other 40 regions had a bigger percentage of people voting. When so few people cast their ballot, it allows the independents to sneak through, wheareas normally they’d struggle to keep their deposit. There is a contiguous strip of independents in charge running from Kent through the likes of Avon and Somerset to North Wales.

Bettws, a suburb of Newport had no-one arriving, but what about the election invigilators – don’t they vote. What about the hosts, the cricket club – they couldn’t be bothered either? Moreover, if the residents of one of Europe’s largest housing estates are irritated by the ‘officious nature’ of the police, isn’t this the perfect way to express yourself or even field a candidate that you feel represents you? No, that would be too much effort, wouldn’t it.

I am slightly pleased that Ann Barnes, my second choice candidate, won - that my single ballot was a small but maybe contributory factor (if she didn’t reach more than half of first preferences) in her election to the role of Police Commissioner. Well done Ann!  Now, let's see what you can do.


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