Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The charging of Rebekah Brooks (née Wade) and her husband (right) Charlie on perverting the course of justice (no mention of her perverting the horse of justice by allowing David Cameron to ride it) is a bit like arresting Al Capone on tax evasion charges.  But bringing them to book is proof that no-one is above the law.  Journalists talk crap about ‘speaking truth to power’, but News International became the overarching secular power in the UK, Rupert Murdoch regularly being rated as the most influential man in Britain.
I feel the police are holding back the trial of Andy Coulson on authorising phone hacking and perjury for some time closer to the general election in 2015, so it will blow up in the face of the Conservative leadership.  This would be in revenge for cuts to pay, perks and numbers in the police forces.
In the spirit of the newspapers she used to edit, there should be no open or day prison for her, her husband or her confidantes.  Brooks herself has previous in a cell after assaulting her then boyfriend, Ross Kemp.  It should be maximum security detention, 23 hours behind bars in solitary confinement.  Bringing back the death penalty is probably a little too harsh though.  Lock them up and throw away the key, for they are a menace to society.


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