Monday, March 17, 2008

Wine and Wisdom

On Saturday night, my parents and I went to a Wine and Wsidom night. There we joined several friends of ours to form a pre-arranged team. There were 16 other teams there, many with more members than ours. There were rounds such as Connections (a string of answers where question 10 was to link them all - they all had links to rivers), Car Models (guess the car model from a clue such as some such actress owned a villa on thsi Mediterranean island - Capri), Cats and Geography. I was a bit put out by rounds six and seven - geography and general knowledge - since they were almost all repeats from the two previous Wine and Wisdoms, though it helped us since our memories served us well. In fact, in the last four rounds, we only dropped one point out of forty. Once again, there was no table round. We were second or third for most of the competition, but in the penultimate round, since we got a maximum on our joker, we drew level with the previous sole leaders and then in the final round, guessing the company logos from pictures of part of them, we registered another ten, while our chief rivals took nine. So we overhauled them eventually on the final lap.
Our prizes were a bottle each of Liebfraumilch. There were eight bottles, but as there were only six of us, we left two to be carried over to the next Wine and Wisdom.
I won a prize in a raffle as well. I chose a box of chocolates. We had donated an expensive three-set of food relishes to the raffle. That went almost straightaway because there were about fifteen prizes and I was the third one whose name was to be read out. Of the choices that interested me, apart from the box of choclates, there was this "chocolate dream machine" which I guess makes all kinds of home-made chocolate, but I thought, "When am I going to use it?" That's why I went for the box of chocolates.


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