Friday, March 27, 2015

Just sickening

With the Germanwings crash, the investigation deepens the horror and some 'facts' are contradicted a few days later in some sort of 'fog of war' - first Andreas Lubitz only had a medical not a psychological check-up, then it seems he had psychiatric counselling up until the day before the doomed flight and then there was a torn-up doctor's note.  Whether claims are true that he was dumped by his girlfriend may not be all they seem to be, but if true, this was more than a psychotic breakdown, it was revenge of the most evil kind.
It's largely true that those who feel suicidal never think about the pain of others derived from the consequences of their actions, rather they think about the burden they think they are or will be to their loved ones.  The Guardian (of course) said we mustn't talk about the mental health of the co-pilot because that 'stigmatises depression' - so this lefty viewpoint means we should just let the mystery of the locked cabin door go unresolved because in some nebulous way it might hurt unknown others.  No sane or sober person thinks that every person who suffers depression is a potential mass murderer and to suggest that some might propagates indirectly the stigmatisation of depression, making more people feel uncomfortable in seeking help because The Guardian says that society blames them.  I'm sorry but Lubitz had mental health problems and he was his own person.
Thinking of the American captain who had to be overpowered by passengers when he started wild rantings about bombs, my view softened towards Lubitz that there were other motives besides becoming famous by going out taking 149 innocent people with you.  Maybe it wasn't twisted infamy he was after.  His family are inevitably going to be targeted - they may have to leave their homes, change their names, pull their kids out of school.  But he may not have been thinking of that.  But if he was dumped by his girlfriend then this smacks of him trying to guilt her in the most unbelievably barbaric way, as if she is responsible for 150 deaths and despite that she bears no responsibility for this, it will haunt her for the rest of her life.  The worst thing is, if true, Lubitz has got everything he wanted - the 'thrill' of power through killing others, the posthumous notoriety, the 'guilting' of his ex.  Just sickening.


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