Monday, January 26, 2015

Hung up on you

Security measures are being reviewed at the heart of government after a caller got through to a hoax resident of No. 10 Downing Street.  A person claiming to be one 'David Cameron' (a clear anagram of 'I crave odd man') answered the person who was put through by the Downing Street switchboard.  "It was clearly a hoax," said the caller.  "No-one could possibly be prime minister speaking with an Old Etonian accent and talking about the tiresome, mutinous plebs and proles who stand outside in police uniform - we are a modern, democratic, meritocratic nation.  This isn't Downton Abbey!  He was clearly off his face on port and caviar, when for most of us it's cheap booze and cocaine - cost of living and all that.  And what prime minister doesn't know the voice of the head of GCHQ when he hears it?  The fraud could have been privy to any amount of sensitive information, like the nuclear launch codes or the porn stash in Barack Obama's crib.  I wasn't fooled by his posh-boy act though.  I hung up on him as soon as the true nature of this elitist windbag became clear.  I hope this impostor is turfed out of Downing Street as soon as possible or at least in May.  He's made monkeys out of the electorate."


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