Monday, April 14, 2014

A thorn between two thorns

The local and European elections in May are a dry run for the General Election and David Cameron is throwing out red meat left, right and centre to his troops.  If it's not rowing back on green promises and threatening to sweep all wind turbines from the countryside, it's 'banging on about Europe' as he argued that he did not want to do.  His assertion that he is the moderate between 'extremists' - those who want to leave the EU no matter what and those who want to leave the EU unchanged no matter what - is particularly fallacious.  There is probably less than 1% of the country who do not want changes to the EU - the Common Agricultural Policy is especially repugnant, hurting the farmers of developing countries by banning their products outside the tariff barrier while eviscerating the domestic industry by dumping cheap European produce on their markets.  But there is a significant section who see Cameron as the extremist for wanting a renegotiated semi-detached relationship with the EU.  That is not the story that the right-wing media want us to hear though.


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