Hoist by his own bastard(ry)
When Lord Justice Leveson was holding hearings into the
press, he produced a report that was anything but a whitewash. Shocked by the immorality and amorality of
tabloid journalists in particular, his conclusions were very sobering to the
industry. Rupert Murdoch was hauled over
the coals at the hearings and by the Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport,
where he said he was very humble at the latter before almost getting hit by a
foam pie. But like a child, he was only
feeling sorry for himself – he was self-humbling, he had been humbled but he
allowed the distinction to be confused, as when he said he didn’t tell prime
ministers what to do (as Sir John Major said, this was technically true, though
PMs were left in no doubt what Murdoch wanted).
Now, he has been caught in a technique that he would have
lauded had it been against anyone other than him and his confidantes – the secret
recording. Here, he shows himself to be
the opposite of humble, stating he would help out his journalists, even if they
were jailed (of which, as with all News International statements, the
explanatory note following this was made a mockery – he wasn’t just presuming
innocence until proven guilty but afterwards too, even if jail sentences
followed). He thinks bribing public
officials and hacking phones are as “next to nothing,” adding that the police
are “incompetent.” That will make an
interesting Annual Police Awards (sponsored by The Sun) next time around.
Charlotte Church said he settled with Murdoch instead of
examining their dirty laundry in the public arena of a court because News
International lawyers wanted to put her emotionally fragile and potentially
suicidal mother on the stand, as a deliberate ploy to force Church to settle. This she said, that despite everything, News
International were still the aggressive same as always, incapable of showing
contrition. He words ring truer than
ever after this revelation.
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