Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Galaxy in microcosm

In an act of wanton cultural barbarism, reminiscent of the Earth being destroyed because it lay in the way of an inter-stellar highway in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a construction company has destroyed the largest Mayan mound in Belize because they wanted to use the ruins as gravel for road filler.  Now, I am the first person to be sceptical (an adjective much abused in recent times) of the value of anything manmade, knowing how transitory and fragile it is, but the deliberate annihilation of a historical treasure for pure greed and used for such a base purpose has shocked me.  Even the zealots who burnt the library at Timbuktu had some misguided higher principle behind their revenge at being evicted by French forces.  Apparently, only a smaller inner core remains of the mound.  If some developer did that to a run-down part of the Great Wall of China, they would probably be executed.  As with rainforest deforestation and rare animal poaching, there are too many people willing to sacrifice all their morals for the sake of a quick buck.  These developers should be bankrupted if true justice operated.


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