Saturday, April 21, 2007

Gunners in more ways than one

The latest front in the war on international terrorism is north London, specifically Arsenal. But when Osama bin Laden and Chris Martin are supporters of the club, you know international terrorism is never far away.
Stan Kroenke is willing to invest a fortune in purging Arsenal of its base for international terrorism, comparable now to Afghanistan under the Taliban, because of his love for freedom. But the roots of international terrorism run deep and he has been rebuffed. The latest sign of this is the removal with immediate effect of David Dein, Arsenal’s vice-chairman, who supports Kroenke. Dein is passionate for his club and is most unhappy that it has fallen into the hands of freedom-hating international terrorism. He was against the stadium switch, knowing the problem could be contained, prior to elimination, at the smaller ground of Highbury, but he was overruled and now international terrorism has more converts than ever at Ashburton Grove. It’s called the Emirates stadium after all, a clear reference to establish a global Arabic caliphate.
The board members forced Dein out. Danny Fizsman may be a Jew, but his name smacks of German descent and as we saw in 2002, when, for electoral purposes, Gerhard Schroeder called the Iraq war an ‘adventure’, the Germans aren’t serious about combating international terrorism and if they aren’t serious, then they are for it! Peter Hill-Wood may have family connections to Arsenal, but as his name suggests, you can’t see the wood for the hills – he cannot be trusted!
The pursuit of Arsenal by Kroenke will be relentless, but the cause is right and he will prevail. Once he does, he will allow the US government to deport all those in the home section to Guantanamo Bay. Arsenal fans will soon realize ‘extraordinary rendition’ isn’t a footballing trick from Cesc Fabregas. Transporting 55,000 by aeroplane may leave a massive carbon footprint, but there is a more pressing case at hand than global warming – the fight against international terrorism. Anyway, global warming is a ruse cooked up by international terrorists to ruin our economies in trying to stop it. A few away fans may get swept up as the home section is taken down and be subjected to immense degradation over many years, before being sent back to prison by an unconstitutional military court, but that’s collateral damage for you. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. This is for freedom.
In Gitmo, the Arsenal fans will acknowledge their craven allegiance to international terrorism. Many will say they dislike the glorious war leaders, Bush and Blair. Terrorists! Most will say they think peace for the Palestinians and a two-state solution is just. Terrorists! Almost all will say they think Fair Trade is a good thing. Terrorists the lot of them! Fair Trade takes money from the pockets of the rich people like Stan Kroenke who fight international terrorism and desire freedom, especially economic freedom. The world needs more stupendously rich Americans. We should be grateful to our US ally for helping us out in tackling international terrorism.
The Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, admits to feeling sad at Dein’s departure, but as we know in the run-up to Iraq, all Frenchmen are deluded! Having spent years devaluing English football, such as going a league season unbeaten, his latest insult was to try and win the honourable League Cup with his youth team. Is it just co-incidence that Arsenal have won nothing since all foreign first XIs became commonplace in the last two years? Wenger can’t stand speaking English, hence no English players, but needs English wealth for his ambitions. Kroenke will sort this Frenchie out or send him packing. Beguiling football, ha! George Graham had it right with an agricultural back four and Ian Wright nicking a 1-0 win. You didn’t see any international terrorism flourishing then, did you?


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